To Do: For the blog
Karthik Perla | Apr 2022 | Reading time: 2 mins
To Do
- 404 Page in _layouts
- Add ps.j5 to the website
- Buy a Domain from Google Names
- Add posts on Pokemon Emerald, how to build a Lily 58, etc
- Add Last Modified functionality (It breaks when you add it to the gemspec or the config.yml) 1
- A post with
- Bi-directional links to the blog:
- Automatic site map being generated and represented as a tree map - every time a new post is created. - Either on the website or on github:
- Justified alignment on all posts.
- Crosscheck the readability of the site using this:
- For ISB Specific Weekends - My contact info - need to have a fallback page that is only active during the weekends. Maybe have a branch that is activated or merged during that time.
- Can we have multiple branches on github? Which will lead to having multiple versions of the website.
- Can we insert an interactive graph in a markdown webpage? D3 is the answer to that.
Future Plans:
- Theme Switcher: Light vs. Dark mode
- Need to add bootstrap to the website and import the sass
- Name the website/ blog
- Change About Page in _root
- Fix _includes/_footer
- Flashing cursor
- Reading time (Added on May 15, 2022 - from this post:
- Have an automatic Table of Contents and ScrollSpy
- Check the css too
- Check the css for the table of contents
- Fix the Favicon - not on all pages of the site
- Fix the Inter Font - Weights added, change in _sass
- Have a revision pointing out to each revision like this: 2 At the footnote of each post
- Try adding a post with pictures
- Edit multiple settings in _root/_config.yml
- Update and edit every post - Final push
- Can take the color scheme from here
- ↩